Friday, August 14, 2009

Drawn To Adventure!

Hey everybody! A lot of activity around here the past couple of days, and it's not about to start. If you head over to Eros Inc right about now (or, at the very least, very shortly) you will see a guest comic written and drawn by yours truly! "But Eli," you're saying, "you don't know how to draw!" Damn skippy I don't. But for some reason, my very good friend Michael May decided it was a good idea for me to do this. I'm really proud of the way it turned out, if I may say so, and I had an absolute blast doing it. So thanks, Mike! Go check it out!

If you're coming here from Eros, Inc and finding me for the first time, welcome! I'm glad to have you here. My name is Eli. I'm a writer and assistant in Hollywood with absolutely no art training whatsoever. Well, ok, I've been to the Animation Academy at Disney's California Adventure twice. I don't have a degree, I have a picture of Minnie Mouse and one of Pluto. I love Disneyland and comedy and the Chicago Cubs and food. There, that's about all you need to know about me. I hope you keep coming back, the more the merrier! Right now I'm in the middle of a Julie & Julia-esque conquering of the Achewood cookbook that I'm calling Selzer & Smuckles (regular readers, scroll down! You may have missed my post on hot dogs earlier this evening).

Everyone take a look around, and I hope you like what you see. Thanks again, Mike, it was a pleasure to do this strip for you! I enjoyed it so much, I might do some comicing of my own one day.


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