Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Last night I had a waffle with bacon baked into it and bacon on top of it. I thought I had died and gone to breakfast heaven. The only issue was that it was a Belgian waffle, and I prefer standard (which are getting to be harder and harder to find nowadays if there isn't a Waffle House nearby). It was a strange, dinery kind of place on the bottom floor of a large office building. It was called, appropriately enough, The Waffle. It made me wish I had a dog so I could order the "Woofles" they sell as pet treats. Long story short, I enjoyed myself immensely.

I went with Melissa, Mike, and Bailee after we went to see Cartoon Dump. It's a show where cartoon historian Jerry Beck showcases some of the worst cartoons every made. Here's an example of how bad we're talking about (just check that theme song):

Cartoon Dump is a kind of sketch show built on the idea that it's an inappropriate children's show with the maladjusted hosts Compost Brite (Erica Doering) and Moodsy the Clinically Depressed Owl (Frank Conniff). Speaking of Frank Conniff, he was on MST3K, perhaps my favorite show ever. It ties into this post because there was an episode where each of the "host segments" revolved around waffles (including one where Crow was a waffle fairy who showed Servo what it was like to live in a world without waffles, and another where Joel just walked on screen in a smoking jacket, looked lustily into the camera and said, "Waffles." That was it). But I'm seriously digressing.

The show (Cartoon Dump) is great fun, although the sketches are almost verbatim from month to month. You're really there for the cartoons, though, and they also have a guest stand-up. Last night it was Jimmy Pardo, marking the third time I've seen him (which is a lot considering I don't see much stand-up). He's hilarious. He's one of the only comics I've seen who can start you laughing right from the start and never let up until his set is done. A ball of energy this one!

Anyway, that's probably long enough for today.


NYT- 12:46
CS- Kept getting phone calls, no time.
LAT- 6:24
NYS- 7:23

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